Fit should be determined before use, so please ensure your Wetsuit is a good fit before hitting the water.

Take care when trying them on, particularly with any single lined/smooth panels which are more vulnerable to tearing with finger pressure, it’s not just your fingernails that can tear through a wetsuit.
If you accidentally damage your suit don’t panic, it is normal practice to repair this kind of tear with some neoprene glue. It is quick and easy to use (upsell repair glue)

Swim Wetsuits are sometimes supplied with gloves, please use these.

Always roll the Wetsuit on rather than pulling at the neoprene, particularly above the knees.

You may notice small holes strategically placed around the suit (below back zips, or on the upper back and mid-arm of chest zips). They’re nothing to worry about and are drainage holes, they have been intentionally integrated into the suit in order to mitigate and release any build-up of water at potential ‘pooling’ points.