If a drysuit is not keeping you dry we would ask you to check the following before contacting us;
  • The zips are fully closed and locked into place when using the suit (they can be stiff when new).
  • The seals are a good fit (there are no gaps between the seal and the user).
  • You are wearing something breathable underneath it; cotton will soak up any moisture.

Latex and neoprene seals due to their fragility are not covered by the manufacturer's warranty, however, if this happens on first use or you are in any way unsure, do let us know. Should you still experience leaking having checked the points above, please follow our "How to activate the warranty" procedure and our warranty team can further advise. A video or photos demonstrating the leak would be useful.

A leaking suit is the result of either a manufacturing fault (split seam) or is the result of a fit issue (an influx of water through openings such as the neck seal or the zip). Please be aware that leaks occurring as a result of fit issues are not covered under warranty. All leaking suits are subject to pressure testing to identify and confirm any faults before they can be covered under warranty.
